Is 'Because Thinking' Stopping you?

mindset Mar 23, 2021

At 72, and committed to living a life I love, I've been reflecting on how easy it is to let outside conditions influence the decisions we make about what we do in our lives. 

 How many times have you decided to not do something because of conditions around you?  For example, what you think someone your age can’t or shouldn’t do, or not investing in yourself because money should be saved, or waiting for success to be guaranteed before venturing ahead.

 Seeing Because Thinking for the Limit it is

We all do this. For many of us it is habit we developed to help us make decisions. More than ever in your life, it is important to pause and decide if the decision to not do something is based what is really true.

 When we were younger we may have postponed things we wanted to do because …

  • I need to wait until the kids are older,
  • I need to get my promotion first,
  • I’ll do it after I pay down the mortgage,
  • I’ll just wait until I retire...
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