Being "Old" is When You Think You Are

Being “Old” Is When You Think You Are

First Published in October 26, 2024 

“I just never thought I was old.” This is the wisdom shared by many older adults over 90. They say they don’t and never have considered themselves to be old. They really do not feel old, so why act that way? I read about a 102-year-old who was indignant that there are few birthday cards available for those over 100. Wouldn’t you love to meet her?

Contrast this with my friend at 70 years who said she has hit her “best if used by date!” This friend is active, younger than I am, and involved in many activities such as golf and book groups. To my knowledge, there is no expiration date stamped on her! When asked, she explained that she expects to decline and to become dependent on help. Thus, she is preparing for that scenario to define her older years. Of course, having a plan seems prudent. Yet, the plan should not define an entire phase of...

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The Power of Labels for the 65+ Years of Life

The Power of Labels: What Should We Call the 65+ Years of Life?

By Ardith Bowman September 10, 2024 In

It is time to prepare for this year’s Ageism Awareness Day on October 9th. Words are one of the most powerful forces in shaping how our society thinks of aging and older adults. So, let’s explore the words that we use and that you use to label our stage of life.

Who Is “Old”?

It seems that the perception of who is “old” relates to the age of the person being asked. People in their 20s consider 65 to be “old.” Only 16% of adults over 60 consider 65 to be old! I know people in their 70s who do not consider themselves old, me included. Do you feel “old?”

I don’t intend to discount those of us who are facing health issues and may indeed feel a decline in vitality. The point is that issues that underpin a loss of vitality may happen in any...

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Do You Have a Possibility Mindset?

First published in SixtyandMe October 18, 2023.

We know that attention to fitness, stress reduction, having a sense of purpose, and connection with others adds healthy years to our lives. We also know that the years wear on our bodies and endurance. In this article, let’s address the realities of being an older adult. Spoiler alert! Our focus is to notice what is possible, in contrast with what may no longer be within easy reach for us.

My Body Isn’t What It Used to Be

According to the National council on Aging, 95% of us over 60 have at least one chronic condition. High blood pressure and high cholesterol lead the pack. Arthritis comes in third. I’m in the arthritis group; you may have one or two issues on your list. If not, time to celebrate!

The happy news is that maintaining an exercise routine, getting adequate sleep, managing stress, and enjoying a healthy diet/healthy weight tend to mitigate the impact of...

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Vitality Doman #2 - Mindset



We are continuing our exploration of the Vitality Domains that support our healthy aging. The second of four life areas that influence our health span is mindset. This encompasses our beliefs about aging, optimism, and mindfulness or presence.

As you read the articles, remember to notice your reaction to the different life areas. Allow yourself to hear your inner voice; you may recognize an area or two where nurturing it may well make a difference in your health span! It is time to take the actions that will support healthy aging so we can relish every minute of life.

 Read the introductory article for a quick review: CULTIVATING YOUR HEALTH SPAN IS EASIER THAN EVER.

Read the first article in the Vitality mini-series: LOVING LIFE WITH WELL-BEING AND ENERGY.

Mindset is significant because your assumptions about life and how you...

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