A Letter to my Older Self


Originally published in Sixtyand Me on June 19, 2024.  https://sixtyandme.com/letter-to-older-self/

A few weeks ago, we read a wonderful article about writing a letter to your younger self. The idea behind that seems to relate to honoring the wisdom and growth we are blessed with as the years pass, and that with a dose of self-compassion. My immediate thought was to turn this upside down and write a letter to my older self, so she knows that I am living with all the wisdom I have now to support who I am becoming.

Loving My Older Self

I am about to turn 76, so I am reflecting on the woman I will be at 96. We know that our beliefs about aging influence the quality of our lives as we age. For example, if you believe it is normal for an 80-year-old to go on an active vacation with kayaking and hiking, then it is likely that you will do that yourself, and live the lifestyle that supports doing so.

So, the question is, what do I believe...

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Beyond the Vision Board


BY ARDITH BOWMAN JANUARY 02, 2024 MINDSET In sixtyandme.com

For many of us, early January is a time of dreaming about the year ahead. I just love taking the time for this with a cup of cacao or tea wrapped in my aqua Afghan made by a friend. Find your special place to focus on your own desires.

Perhaps you dream of following an interest long ignored or deepening love in your life. Maybe, like me, you dream of some new adventures to keep the spark shining brightly. Some women desire to make more of an impact in the world or to slow down and live a simpler life. What are you dreaming of?

Then, what can you do to take your dreams out of the “dream world” and into the life you live?

Bringing to life our deepest desires requires faith and trust because usually it is not clear how we can make them reality. That is a good thing! If you know how to accomplish something, then it is a goal, rather than a dream. We deserve to...

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