The Power of Labels for the 65+ Years of Life

The Power of Labels: What Should We Call the 65+ Years of Life?

By Ardith Bowman September 10, 2024 In

It is time to prepare for this year’s Ageism Awareness Day on October 9th. Words are one of the most powerful forces in shaping how our society thinks of aging and older adults. So, let’s explore the words that we use and that you use to label our stage of life.

Who Is “Old”?

It seems that the perception of who is “old” relates to the age of the person being asked. People in their 20s consider 65 to be “old.” Only 16% of adults over 60 consider 65 to be old! I know people in their 70s who do not consider themselves old, me included. Do you feel “old?”

I don’t intend to discount those of us who are facing health issues and may indeed feel a decline in vitality. The point is that issues that underpin a loss of vitality may happen in any...

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